Thursday, October 23, 2008

" i got on zhier nerves, i zhon't know why.. "

zhis, zhis is amazing.
see if you get it.


weeliem said...

the guy is a CGI rite?

Deric said...

I've watched this before...

Still good though. :)

alephtav said...

seen it. loved it. :)

zefiriel said...

Ah, everything (or everyone) has the potential to be exploited.

I like. :D

.:mysh:. said...

weeliem - yea, but he iz kool, no?

deric - oh yea, i've watched it many times over. still gives me a 'kick', okay - a wind-breeze-push. :)

auds - aye.:)

zefiriel - okay, whatever rocks your socks. :)