Monday, November 10, 2008

A quarter is a half of a half

think I am going through my Quarter Life Crisis.

Well when you start going online and looking up stuff like :

and you start looking at books like :
Conquering Your Quarter Life Crisis

And you start identifying with some 'unknown's definition of 'The Quarter-Life' crisis.

- - - - - - -

It is overwhelming, hardly flattering.
I don't feel too good.


weeliem said...

Don't think too much about it.
Close your eyes..and as you pass, it's another day. And it's another chance, as any other day, to make a difference. 25, it's just a number. Sometimes we get too caught up with milestones such as these, which are not at all bad, but it gives a warped perspective of things.

Cheer up:)

jhayxon moch said...

wan some prozacs ?