Sunday, December 7, 2008

Much Afraid

All of these things
I've held up in vain
No reason nor rhyme
Just the scars that remain
Of all of these things
I'm so much afraid
Scared out of my mind
By the demons I've made
Sweet Jesus, you never ever let me go
Oh, sweet Jesus, never ever let me go

I am reborn today. 
A fresh anointing. 
No more looking back. 
My life is Yours and Yours only. 

I will yield. This is all that I am, broken -  
It is in this desperation that I come to You, Lord, on my knees - frail. 
Much afraid. 

Oratio, Meditatio, Tentatio. ( Prayer, Meditation, Temptation) 
It is through our most heartfelt struggles that we realize how weak we really are - how much we need God - how we can never save ourselves, and what really is so SO amazing about grace. 

Abba, I need You now. 

1 comment:

Joanne Chua said...

joanne here,
thanks a lot !